Our Case

Sacramento Criminal Defense
& Personal Injury Attorney

“David is incredible in the courtroom.
He will fight harder for his clients than other attorneys.”

Over the years, David Anguiano has been a trusted name in criminal and personal injury law in Sacramento, serving as a beacon of justice for clients in need. With an unwavering commitment to providing exceptional legal counsel and personalized attention, the firm has established itself as a powerhouse in the courtroom.

Offering vigorous representation and unwavering support to clients facing criminal charges, David Anguiano fights relentlessly to protect their clients’ constitutional rights and secure favorable outcomes. With a strong track record advocating for accident victims, David Anguiano provides compassionate legal counsel, ensuring that victims receive the compensation they deserve for their physical, emotional, and financial hardships.

If you are facing criminal charges or seriously injured by the carelessness of another party, contact David Anguiano today.

Call Us Now 916-668-9890

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Client Experiences Real Satisfaction

What Makes Us Different ?

a law firm committed to writing a brighter future for our clients
highly recommended
individualized strategies
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Successful Results
available 24/7 to take calls


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